You do not wait when you set your mind to accomplish a goal. You always help someone you care deeply about achieve theirs. And I want to thank you for the suggestions you have given me throughout the years.
Because of your suggestions we have achieved our goal: we remodeled our office. Also, because of your deep understanding of personalized service we changed our name to Jonie & Company.
Again, we have changed our name from – Latin USA Tax to Jonie & Company – because we are more than a tax office thanks to your input. We are excited to build new relationships and create an environment of positive energy wherever we interact; online or in our office.
Our mission and values have always been based on how we can help people, and my team and I, wanted to extend our gratitude by taking the time to personally thank you.
Our Mission and commitment to you is to:
- Always listen and take action
- Always be a source of inspiration
- Always build strong relationships that improve people’s lives.
There is more to come and hope to take you on an adventure!
Thank you