Watch Out!
“Hey Jonie, I need $20,000 back from my tax return this year. What do you need from me?”
Someone out there in the universe
I love to help people, but what I do not like is to feed false expectations. Your uniqueness as a human being is what makes you special. But when toxic people feed you the same false vision, it will conflict with your higher values, and affect you emotionally.
Also, it will make you look foolish in front of those who want to genuinely help you. I understand you are not a tax expert, nor should you start guessing what may get you a big check.
I feel tremendous empathy when you tell me you want to buy a new home, open a business, help your kids go to school or take a long vacation, but short cuts are, well….short.
If you want $20,000, do not play the short game of a yearly form. You have to play the long game, which has greater returns for those who are patient.
Do not put your hopes and dreams on a rocket.
Rather, take the time to build your own rocket that will take you anywhere you want.
Trust Your Journey,
Yes, taxes are meant to encourage growth of your wealth and country.
And I say, you are meant to educate and inspire others reach their financial goals with a honest and clear vision.