Most People’s JAWS Drop When They See This In the Mail

Most times you have to find someone else to read this along with you. And sometimes you may feel you will need a philosopher to decode this language. (where are you Aristotle when one needs you, uhh?).
Do Not Panic.
Audits are common and they do not necessarily mean a problem. The IRS and the Department of Taxation and Finance have different methods for determining the reason for an audit and some are random.
You cannot anticipate an audit.
However, when you file your taxes you can put measures in place (It does not involve summoning dead philosophers).
These measures counter any surprises and investigate any problems on your behalf when it happens.
Trust Your Journey,
If you received an audit letter
do not stay still. It is always under
a time line to submit documents.
It only takes a few minutes to properly
assess what you will need and effectively
take action immediately.
Remember, audits may be random and
do not necessarily mean a problem.
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”