Should You Arrive With A Bag of Crumpled Receipts to File Your Taxes?
Well… It depends.
- You will need an extra 2-3 hours out of your day (minimum or a second day).
- You will need to be prepared to pay an hourly rate in addition to your accountant’s or tax preparer’s fee.
If you heavily depend on daily expenses that produce receipts, the best approach is to digitize them.
There are a few apps that will help you digitize and organize your receipts so you do not have to deal with a bag of crumpled receipts every year you walk into any office.
Another option is to have your accountant find a way to file your expenses.
If you have a great relationship with your accountant, he or she will be able to sort out through the pile and make sense how those expenses apply or don’t apply on future business reports.
The other method I have used before is my family. I made up a game with my kids to sort out the receipts and reward them with movie nights for the best pile.
Whichever method you choose, it will always be a time investment.
If you do not have extra time but can afford a service then make use of pros like an Accountant or Tax Consultant to help: professionals who can prepare and examine your financial records.
You can simply buy an app to scan your receipts,
If your family is always in your mind, then that time investment is always worth it.